If I could offer advice to other ladies in London interested in becoming a masseuse, it would be to feel comfortable with their personal image. If a masseuse is not comfortable with her outward beauty, their nervousness becomes apparent. A masseuse must relax completely in order to provide a relaxing Asian massage.
For me, what makes the experience so phenomenal is taking all of my positive energy and putting it into the massage. I enjoy spreading that beauty and positivity to others. The clients love my positive, outgoing attitude, which is why so many of them call and request me over and over again.
The first time I performed a massage I was very nervous. I did not know how my body was going to react once the client and I were undressed. I remember when the client actually did his best to soothe my nerves rather than it being the other way around. That comforting feeling washed over me and made me realize that it would all be okay.
From that day on, I have taken that comforting feeling and put it forward in all of my massage experiences. My relaxation promotes a sense of relaxation for my clients, which makes it wonderful for both of us.
Yet another piece of advice I can provide is that the body-body massage is similar to an art form. You are using your body and the skill of your hands to provide pleasure to others. Your body is an art form that must be enjoyed. You must love yourself and what you do for others in order for it to bring satisfaction to your clients. I discovered this to be true within the first week of working as a masseuse. A good masseuse is familiar with the body and learns how to appreciate it and make it feel better.
I have learned to appreciate the body in many forms. There is something beautiful about the human body no matter what shape or form it comes in. Just the right touch can ease a person’s tension within minutes. I can actually feel the tension drain from their muscles as the relaxation takes over. It is a beautiful feeling. There are still many things that I continue to learn when I perform my job as a masseuse but I can offer these few pieces of advice out of the experience that I have already managed to gain.
Oh yeah, and most important, always bring unscented massage oil with you, do not smoke and be very modest with perfumes.
by Anne 2015